Steel, Fiberglass, Galvanized Steel, Cured Body Filler, Aluminum and
OEM Enamels.
May be recoated in 30 minutes.
If sanding is desired, FP301 may be sanded in 60 minutes.
Do not wet sand.
Scuff sand with 320 grit or finer sandpaper after 24 hours. Repriming is
not required.
1. Spray at 8-9 psi at the cap for HVLP or 30-35 psi for conventional guns.
2. Apply 2-3 medium wet coats, allowing 2-3 minutes flash time between coats.
3. Final dry film thickness should be a minimum of 1.0 mil.
Mix is 1 to 1 FP301 at 1 to 1 with FT302 Pot life: 1 day
Theoretical coverage: 213 square feet/gal @ 1 mil dry